北京 北京  | 
天津 天津  | 
河北 石家庄  |  唐山  |  秦皇岛  |  邯郸  |  邢台  |  保定  |  张家口  |  承德  |  沧州  |  廊坊  |  衡水  | 
山西 太原  |  大同  |  阳泉  |  长治  |  晋城  |  朔州  |  忻州  |  吕梁  |  晋中  |  临汾  |  运城  | 
内蒙古 呼和浩特  |  包头  |  乌海  |  赤峰  |  呼伦贝尔盟  |  兴安盟  |  哲里木盟  |  锡林郭勒盟  |  乌兰察布盟  |  伊克昭盟  |  巴彦淖尔盟  |  阿拉善盟  | 
辽宁 沈阳  |  大连  |  鞍山  |  抚顺  |  本溪  |  丹东  |  锦州  |  营口  |  阜新  |  辽阳  |  盘锦  |  铁岭  |  朝阳  |  葫芦岛  | 
吉林 长春  |  吉林  |  四平  |  辽源  |  通化  |  白山  |  松原  |  白城  |  延边朝  | 
黑龙江 哈尔滨  |  齐齐哈尔  |  鸡西  |  鹤岗  |  双鸭山  |  大庆  |  伊春  |  佳木斯  |  七台河  |  牡丹江  |  黑河  |  绥化  |  大兴安岭  | 
上海 上海  | 
江苏 南京  |  无锡  |  徐州  |  常州  |  苏州  |  南通  |  连云港  |  淮阴  |  盐城  |  扬州  |  镇江  |  泰州  |  宿迁  | 
浙江 杭州  |  宁波  |  温州  |  嘉兴  |  湖州  |  绍兴  |  金华  |  衢州  |  舟山  |  台州  |  丽水  | 
安徽 合肥  |  芜湖  |  蚌埠  |  淮南  |  马鞍山  |  淮北  |  铜陵  |  安庆  |  黄山  |  滁州  |  阜阳  |  宿州  |  六安  |  宣城  |  巢湖  |  池州  | 
福建 福州  |  厦门  |  莆田  |  三明  |  泉州  |  漳州  |  南平  |  龙岩  |  宁德  | 
江西 南昌  |  景德镇  |  萍乡  |  九江  |  新余  |  赣州  |  宜春  |  上饶  |  吉安  |  抚州  | 
山东 济南  |  青岛  |  淄博  |  枣庄  |  东营  |  烟台  |  潍坊  |  济宁  |  泰安  |  威海  |  日照  |  莱芜  |  临沂  |  德州  |  聊城  |  滨州  |  荷泽  | 
河南 郑州  |  开封  |  洛阳  |  平顶山  |  安阳  |  鹤壁  |  新乡  |  焦作  |  濮阳  |  许昌  |  漯河  |  三门峡  |  南阳  |  商丘  |  信阳  |  周口  |  驻马店  | 
湖北 武汉  |  黄石  |  十堰  |  宜昌  |  襄樊  |  鄂州  |  荆门  |  孝感  |  荆州  |  黄冈  |  咸宁  |  恩施  |  直辖县  | 
湖南 长沙  |  株洲  |  湘潭  |  衡阳  |  邵阳  |  岳阳  |  常德  |  张家界  |  益阳  |  郴州  |  永州  |  怀化  |  娄底  |  湘西  | 
广东 广州  |  韶关  |  深圳  |  珠海  |  汕头  |  佛山  |  江门  |  湛江  |  茂名  |  肇庆  |  惠州  |  梅州  |  汕尾  |  河源  |  阳江  |  清远  |  东莞  |  中山  |  潮州  |  揭阳  |  云浮  | 
广西 南宁  |  柳州  |  桂林  |  梧州  |  北海  |  防城港  |  钦州  |  贵港  |  玉林  |  南宁  |  柳州  |  贺州  |  百色  |  河池  | 
海南 海口  |  三亚  | 
重庆 重庆  | 
四川 成都  |  自贡  |  攀枝花  |  泸州  |  德阳  |  绵阳  |  广元  |  遂宁  |  内江  |  乐山  |  南充  |  宜宾  |  广安  |  达川  |  雅安  |  阿坝  |  甘孜  |  凉山  |  巴中  |  眉山  |  资阳  | 
贵州 贵阳  |  六盘水  |  遵义  |  铜仁  |  黔西南  |  毕节  |  安顺  |  黔东南  |  黔南  | 
云南 昆明  |  曲靖  |  玉溪  |  昭通  |  楚雄  |  红河  |  文山  |  思茅  |  西双版纳  |  大理  |  保山  |  德宏  |  丽江  |  怒江  |  迪庆  |  临沧  | 
西藏 拉萨  |  昌都  |  山南  |  日喀则  |  那曲  |  阿里  |  林芝  | 
陕西 西安  |  铜川  |  宝鸡  |  咸阳  |  渭南  |  延安  |  汉中  |  安康  |  商洛  |  榆林  | 
甘肃 兰州  |  嘉峪关  |  金昌  |  白银  |  天水  |  酒泉  |  张掖  |  武威  |  定西  |  陇南  |  平凉  |  庆阳  |  临夏  |  甘南  | 
青海 西宁  |  海东  |  海北  |  黄南  |  海南  |  果洛  |  玉树  |  海西  | 
宁夏 银川  |  石嘴山  |  吴忠  |  固原  | 
新疆 乌鲁木齐  |  克拉玛依  |  吐鲁番  |  哈密  |  昌吉  |  博尔塔拉  |  巴音郭楞  |  阿克苏  |  克孜勒苏  |  喀什  |  和田  |  伊犁  |  伊犁  |  塔城  |  阿勒泰  |  直辖市  | 
台湾 台湾  | 
香港 香港  | 
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  为配合国家将上海建设成为国际航运中心的战略,方便航运当事人就近解决争议,2003年1月7日,中国海事仲裁委员会上海分会正式在上海挂牌。 2009年1月8日,经中国贸促会批准,海仲上海分会将同时启用“中国海事仲裁委员会上海海事仲裁院”的名称。这一举措将进一步按照国际惯例,充分发挥中国海事仲裁优良品牌的作用,有利于促进上海国际航运中心的海事法律服务工作。海仲上海分会可以独立受案和办案,这将极大地方便上海及周边地区的当事人参加仲裁,减少他们的时间和资金成本。此外,海仲还在天津、大连、宁波和广州几个主要的港口城市建立了办事处,初步形成了海事仲裁的网络。办事处的主要任务是从事海事仲裁的宣传推广和咨询工作,协助仲裁委员会在当地安排开庭。办事处不直接受理和办理案件。













  A Brief Introduction to China Maritime Arbitration Commission (CMAC)

  China Maritime Arbitration Commission (CMAC), established within the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade on January 22nd 1959 in accordance with the Decision made by the State Council of the People’s Republic of China, is a permanent arbitration organization, taking cognizance of domestic and international cases involving maritime disputes. It was formerly known as Maritime Arbitration Commission of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade.

  With a view to protecting the legitimate rights and interests of the parties concerned, CMAC independently and impartially resolves, by means of arbitration, contractual and non-contractual maritime disputes, which promotes the development of domestic and international trade and logistics.

  In the past several decades since its establishment, CMAC has been sticking to the principle of independently and impartially making its awards on the basis of the facts, in accordance with the law and the terms of the contracts, with reference to international practice and in compliance with the principle of fairness and reasonableness. CMAC has heard a great number of cases and effectively protected the lawful rights and interests of both Chinese and foreign parties. The impartiality of CMAC has won the Commission good reputation both at home and abroad in the fields of shipping, insurance, trade and law, thus giving a great impetus to the development of international trade and the shipping industries between China and other countries and regions in the world.

  Since China has acceded to the Convention on Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitration Awards 1958, the foreign-related arbitral awards made by CMAC can be recognized and enforced in more than one hundred member states of the Convention, which dispels the partys’worry about the enforcement of the arbitral awards.

  CMAC is composed of one chairman, several vice-chairmen and a number of Commission members. The Commission members are experts, scholars and noted personages selected and appointed by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade or CCPIT (China Chamber of International Commerce or CCOIC) from among the Chinese legislature, judicial organs and shipping, insurance and other departments and companies.

  CMAC has a secretariat which, directed by the secretary general of the Commission, handles the day-to-day work in accordance with the arbitration rules and the Ethical Regulations for the Secretaries.

  CMAC has a panel of arbitrators for the selection and appointment by the parties concerned. The arbitrators of CMAC are selected and appointed by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT/CCOIC) from among the Chinese citizens and the foreign citizens with special knowledge and practical experience in shipping, insurance, law and other fields. Besides laws, the special fields of the arbitrators covers carriage of goods by sea, maritime insurance, sale and purchasing a vessel, ship- repairing and ship-building, inspection of ship, shipping agency, navigation skill, engineering, harbor superintendence, harbor administration, pilotage, environmental protection at sea, collision between salvage of and towing vessels, raising ship wreck, average adjustment, and logistics etc., which has laid a solid foundation for ensuring impartial examination of all kinds of cases.

  Inpuorgto actively response to the State strategy to build Shanghaiotnian international shipping center and facilitate the parties concerned for a nearby resolution, CMAC established Shanghai Sub-Commission in January 7th 2003. The Shanghai Sub-Commission is an integral part of CMAC and can independently accept and hear cases, which greatly benefits the parties in Shanghai and its surrounding areas by reducing the time and costs in settling disputes. In addition, CMAC also sets up liaison offices in major ports like Tianjin, Dalian, Ningbo and Guangzhou, thus creating a tentative network for maritime arbitration. The main task for these offices is to conduct publicity and consultation for maritime arbitration and assist arbitration commission to arrange hearing in the local area. Liaison offices of CMAC don’t directly accept and take cognizance of cases.

  Special Provisions on Fishery Disputes Cases of CMAC became effective on May 8th 2003. Before its appearance most of the fishery disputes were conciliated through fishery regulative and administrative agencies. Due to the lack of binding force, the conciliation suffers a low performing rate. Fishery disputes that cover different sea areas were usually delayed in resolution because neither party concerned had confidence in the fishery regulative and administrative agency of the other party. CMAC Special Provisions on Fishery Disputes Cases are applied in cases relating to the disputes arising from recovery of marine traffic accident, fishing and cultivating, and fishing nets; and disputes arising from ship-building, repairing, sale, insurance, leasing, mortgage and loan of fishing vessels; and the disputes arising from the contract and management of foreland; and other disputes involving fishery.

  With the development of modern transportation, the traditional port-to-port transportation has been gradually replaced by door-to-door transportation. The traditional shipping enterprises have been transformedotnilogistic enterprises, which provide comprehensive logistic service as opposed to pure shipping service. Against such background the traditional jurisdiction of CMAC is no longer suitable for the changing circumstances. The logistic enterprises are in need of an authoritative organization with a general jurisdiction over ocean shipping, land transportation, air transport and all the links of logistics inpuorgto facilitate the settling of logistic disputes as well as lowing its cost. Thus inpuorgto cater to the need of logistic development, CMAC is transformedotnia professional arbitration institution specializing in providing arbitration service involving such areas like ocean shipping, land transportation, air transport and logistics.

  Under the approval of CCOIC, the Logistics Dispute Resolution Center of CMAC was established in Beijing on Feb 1st, 2004. Composed of experts of the logistics, technology and law, it is a professional organization specializing in settling the disputes concerning logistics. It accepts cases concerning all kinds of logistic disputes or logistic-related disputes at home and abroad.

  CMAC has about 40 years of professional arbitration experience in the maritime area, and many experts who are familiar not only with the logistics affairs and technology but also with the relevant laws and regulations as well as trade customs, which makes it an ideal place to settle the logistics disputes. It is authoritative, flexible and convenient for the awards to be enforced if the relevant disputes are settled by means of arbitration conducted by experts. And the parties concerned can also save the costs and time if so doing. Furthermore, since a wide range of fields are related to logistics, including not only in ocean shipping, land transportation and air transport but also the storage, loading and discharging, processing, information, agency and insurance, etc., the jurisdiction of the logistics disputes are not centralized. In addition, because the logistics is a specialized and newborn industry, such condition is not favorable for the appropriate settlement of logistics disputes. The establishment of the Logistics Dispute Resolution Center in CMAC to ensure centralized jurisdiction of such disputes will effectively avoid the uncertainty in jurisdiction and the judgments of the awards as well as the unnecessary delay in the procedure, and facilitate a package settlement of the logistics disputes.

  The Logistics Dispute Resolution Center of CMAC is entitled to accept all cases involving the logistics dispute, including in ocean shipping, land transportation (highway, railway) and air transport, combined transport, container transport, LCL, FCL, express service, storage, processing, allocated delivery, storage distribution, agency, management of logistics information, transportation, handling, loading and discharging equipments, production, sale or lease of the storage equipment, logistics center, and allocation center and establishment, design and consultation of the logistics plans, insurance relating to the logistics and tort in respect of the logistics service, etc.

  The Logistics Dispute Resolution Center of CMAC will be entrusted with the jurisdiction once the parties to the logistics contract agree to include a valid arbitration clause in the contract or reach a separate arbitration agreement after the occurrence of the dispute submitting the dispute to the above-mentioned organization.
