北京 北京  | 
天津 天津  | 
河北 石家庄  |  唐山  |  秦皇岛  |  邯郸  |  邢台  |  保定  |  张家口  |  承德  |  沧州  |  廊坊  |  衡水  | 
山西 太原  |  大同  |  阳泉  |  长治  |  晋城  |  朔州  |  忻州  |  吕梁  |  晋中  |  临汾  |  运城  | 
内蒙古 呼和浩特  |  包头  |  乌海  |  赤峰  |  呼伦贝尔盟  |  兴安盟  |  哲里木盟  |  锡林郭勒盟  |  乌兰察布盟  |  伊克昭盟  |  巴彦淖尔盟  |  阿拉善盟  | 
辽宁 沈阳  |  大连  |  鞍山  |  抚顺  |  本溪  |  丹东  |  锦州  |  营口  |  阜新  |  辽阳  |  盘锦  |  铁岭  |  朝阳  |  葫芦岛  | 
吉林 长春  |  吉林  |  四平  |  辽源  |  通化  |  白山  |  松原  |  白城  |  延边朝  | 
黑龙江 哈尔滨  |  齐齐哈尔  |  鸡西  |  鹤岗  |  双鸭山  |  大庆  |  伊春  |  佳木斯  |  七台河  |  牡丹江  |  黑河  |  绥化  |  大兴安岭  | 
上海 上海  | 
江苏 南京  |  无锡  |  徐州  |  常州  |  苏州  |  南通  |  连云港  |  淮阴  |  盐城  |  扬州  |  镇江  |  泰州  |  宿迁  | 
浙江 杭州  |  宁波  |  温州  |  嘉兴  |  湖州  |  绍兴  |  金华  |  衢州  |  舟山  |  台州  |  丽水  | 
安徽 合肥  |  芜湖  |  蚌埠  |  淮南  |  马鞍山  |  淮北  |  铜陵  |  安庆  |  黄山  |  滁州  |  阜阳  |  宿州  |  六安  |  宣城  |  巢湖  |  池州  | 
福建 福州  |  厦门  |  莆田  |  三明  |  泉州  |  漳州  |  南平  |  龙岩  |  宁德  | 
江西 南昌  |  景德镇  |  萍乡  |  九江  |  新余  |  赣州  |  宜春  |  上饶  |  吉安  |  抚州  | 
山东 济南  |  青岛  |  淄博  |  枣庄  |  东营  |  烟台  |  潍坊  |  济宁  |  泰安  |  威海  |  日照  |  莱芜  |  临沂  |  德州  |  聊城  |  滨州  |  荷泽  | 
河南 郑州  |  开封  |  洛阳  |  平顶山  |  安阳  |  鹤壁  |  新乡  |  焦作  |  濮阳  |  许昌  |  漯河  |  三门峡  |  南阳  |  商丘  |  信阳  |  周口  |  驻马店  | 
湖北 武汉  |  黄石  |  十堰  |  宜昌  |  襄樊  |  鄂州  |  荆门  |  孝感  |  荆州  |  黄冈  |  咸宁  |  恩施  |  直辖县  | 
湖南 长沙  |  株洲  |  湘潭  |  衡阳  |  邵阳  |  岳阳  |  常德  |  张家界  |  益阳  |  郴州  |  永州  |  怀化  |  娄底  |  湘西  | 
广东 广州  |  韶关  |  深圳  |  珠海  |  汕头  |  佛山  |  江门  |  湛江  |  茂名  |  肇庆  |  惠州  |  梅州  |  汕尾  |  河源  |  阳江  |  清远  |  东莞  |  中山  |  潮州  |  揭阳  |  云浮  | 
广西 南宁  |  柳州  |  桂林  |  梧州  |  北海  |  防城港  |  钦州  |  贵港  |  玉林  |  南宁  |  柳州  |  贺州  |  百色  |  河池  | 
海南 海口  |  三亚  | 
重庆 重庆  | 
四川 成都  |  自贡  |  攀枝花  |  泸州  |  德阳  |  绵阳  |  广元  |  遂宁  |  内江  |  乐山  |  南充  |  宜宾  |  广安  |  达川  |  雅安  |  阿坝  |  甘孜  |  凉山  |  巴中  |  眉山  |  资阳  | 
贵州 贵阳  |  六盘水  |  遵义  |  铜仁  |  黔西南  |  毕节  |  安顺  |  黔东南  |  黔南  | 
云南 昆明  |  曲靖  |  玉溪  |  昭通  |  楚雄  |  红河  |  文山  |  思茅  |  西双版纳  |  大理  |  保山  |  德宏  |  丽江  |  怒江  |  迪庆  |  临沧  | 
西藏 拉萨  |  昌都  |  山南  |  日喀则  |  那曲  |  阿里  |  林芝  | 
陕西 西安  |  铜川  |  宝鸡  |  咸阳  |  渭南  |  延安  |  汉中  |  安康  |  商洛  |  榆林  | 
甘肃 兰州  |  嘉峪关  |  金昌  |  白银  |  天水  |  酒泉  |  张掖  |  武威  |  定西  |  陇南  |  平凉  |  庆阳  |  临夏  |  甘南  | 
青海 西宁  |  海东  |  海北  |  黄南  |  海南  |  果洛  |  玉树  |  海西  | 
宁夏 银川  |  石嘴山  |  吴忠  |  固原  | 
新疆 乌鲁木齐  |  克拉玛依  |  吐鲁番  |  哈密  |  昌吉  |  博尔塔拉  |  巴音郭楞  |  阿克苏  |  克孜勒苏  |  喀什  |  和田  |  伊犁  |  伊犁  |  塔城  |  阿勒泰  |  直辖市  | 
台湾 台湾  | 
香港 香港  | 
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您的的位置:首页 > 经济仲裁 > 经济仲裁规则 > 经济仲裁规则 > 1997年新加坡国际仲裁中心仲裁规则 > 正文


  Where any agreement, submission or reference provides for arbitration under the Arbitration Rules of Singapore International Arbitration Centre (“Centre”), the parties thereto shall be taken to have agreed that the arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the following Rules, or such amended Rules as the Centre may have adopted to take effect before the commencement of the arbitration (see Rule 3.3), subject to such modifications as the parties may agree in writing.

  Rule 1

  Scope of Application and Interpretation

  1.1 These Rules shall govern the arbitration save that, where any of these Rules is in conflict with a provision of the applicable law of the arbitration from which the parties cannot derogate, that provision shall prevail.

  1.2 In these Rules

  “Centre” means Singapore International Arbitration Centre, a company incorporated under the Companies Act of the Republic of Singapore as a company limited by guarantee;

  “Chairman” means the Chairman of the Centre;

  “Registrar” means the Registrar of the Centre;

  “Tribunal” includes a sole arbitrator or all the arbitrators where more than one is appointed.

  Rule 2

  Notice, Calculation of Periods of Time

  2.1 For the purposes of these Rules, any notice, including a notification, communication or proposal, shall be in writing and is deemed to have been received if it is physically delivered to the addressee or if it is delivered at his habitual residence, place of business or mailing address, or, if none of these can be found after making reasonable inquiry, then at the addressee's last-known residence or place of business. The notice shall be deemed to have been received on the day it is so delivered.

  2.2 For the purposes of calculating any period of time under these Rules, such period shall begin to run on the day following the day when a notice, notification, communication or proposal is received. If the last day of such period is an official holiday at the residence or place of business of the addressee, the period is extended until the first business day which follows. Official holidays occurring during the running of the period of time are included in calculating the period.

  2.3 Any written communication may be made by way of any form of electronic transmission effected to a business address of a party or to a facsimile number or e-mail address indicated in a party's letterhead and is deemed to have been received if it is so transmitted on the day of transmission.

  2.4 The parties shall file with the Registrar a copy of any notice, including a notification, communication or proposal concerning the arbitral proceedings.

  Rule 3

  Request for or Notification of Arbitration

  3.1 The party wishing to commence an arbitration under these Rules (hereinafter called the “Claimant”) shall give to the other party (hereinafter called the “Respondent”) a Notice of Arbitration which shall include or be accompanied by the following:

  (a) a demand that the dispute be referred to arbitration;

  (b) the names and addresses of the parties to the arbitration;

  (c) a reference to the arbitration clause or the separate arbitration agreement that is invoked;

  (d) a reference to the contract out of or in relation to which the dispute arises;

  (e) a brief statement describing the nature and circumstances of the dispute and specifying the relief claimed; and

  (f) a statement of any matters on which the parties have previously agreed as to the conduct of the arbitration or with respect to which the Claimant wishes to make a proposal.

  3.2 The Notice of Arbitration may also include:

  (a) the proposals for the appointment of a sole arbitrator and an appointing authority referred to in Rules 7.1 and 7.2 respectively

  (b) the notification of appointment of an arbitrator referred to in Rule 8; and

  (c) the Statement of Case referred to in Rule 18.2

  3.3 The date of receipt of the Notice of Arbitration by the Registrar of the Centre shall be deemed to be the date on which the arbitration has commenced.

  3.4 The Claimant shall file with the Registrar a copy of the Notice of Arbitration served on the Respondent.

  3.5 If the parties have agreed on an appointing authority other than the Chairman, they shall inform the Registrar of the name of that authority.

  Rule 4

  Response by Respondent

  4.1 For the purpose of facilitating the appointment of arbitrators, within fourteen (14) days of receipt of the Notice of Arbitration, the Respondent may send to the Claimant a Response, in which case, it shall contain:

  (a) a confirmation or denial of all or part of the claims;

  (b) a brief statement of the nature and circumstances of any envisaged counterclaims; and

  (c) a comment in response to any statements contained in the Notice of Arbitration, as called for under Rule 3.1 paragraph (f), on matters relating to the conduct of the arbitration.

  4.2 The Response may also include

  (a) a comment in response to any proposal for the appointments of a sole arbitrator and for an appointing authority; and

  (b) the notification of the appointment of an arbitrator referred to in Rule 8.

  4.3 The Respondent shall send a copy of any Response to the Registrar and shall confirm to the Registrar that copies have been served on the other party.

  4.4 Failure to send a Response shall not preclude the Respondent from denying the claim or from setting out a counterclaim in its Statement of Defence.

  Rule 5

  Centre to Provide Assistance

  The Registrar shall, at the request of the Tribunal or either party, make available, or arrange for, such facilities and assistance for the conduct of arbitration proceedings as may be required, including suitable accommodation for sittings of the Tribunal, secretarial assistance and interpretation facilities.

  Rule 6

  Number of Arbitrators

  6.1 A sole arbitrator shall be appointed unless the parties have agreed otherwise.

  Rule 7

  Appointment of Sole Arbitrator

  7.1 If a sole arbitrator is to be appointed, either party may propose to the other, the names of one or more persons, one of whom would serve as the sole arbitrator.

  7.2 If within twenty-one (21) days after receipt by a party of a proposal made in accordance with Rule 7.1 the parties have not reached agreement on the choice of a sole arbitrator, the sole arbitrator shall be appointed by the appointing authority agreed upon by the parties, and if no appointing authority has been agreed upon by the parties, or if the appointing authority agreed upon refuses to act or fails to appoint the arbitrator within twenty-one (21) days of the receipt of a party's request thereof, the Chairman shall appoint the arbitrator as soon as practicable.

  7.3 If either party does not wish to propose the names of one or more persons to serve as the sole arbitrator, either party may request the Chairman to appoint the sole arbitrator. The Chairman shall as soon as practicable appoint the sole arbitrator upon the receipt of such a request.

  7.4 A decision on a matter entrusted by Rule 7.2 and 7.3 to the Chairman shall not be subject to appeal.

  Rule 8

  Appointment of Three Arbitrators

  8.1 If three arbitrators are to be appointed, each party shall appoint one arbitrator. The two arbitrators thus appointed shall choose the third arbitrator who will act as the presiding arbitrator of the tribunal.

  8.2 If within twenty-one (21) days after the receipt of a party's notification of the appointment of an arbitrator, the other party has not notified the first party of the arbitrator he has appointed:

  (a) the first party may request the appointing authority previously designated by the parties to appoint the arbitrator; or

  (b) if no such authority has been previously designated by the parties, or if the appointing authority previously designated refuses to act or fails to appoint the arbitrator within twenty-one (21) days after receipt of a party's request thereof, the first party may request the Chairman to appoint the second arbitrator.

  8.3 If within twenty-one (21) days after the appointment of the second arbitrator the two arbitrators have not agreed on the choice of the presiding arbitrator, the presiding arbitrator shall be appointed by an appointing authority or by the Chairman if no appointing authority has been previously designated by the parties or, if the appointing authority previously designated refuses to act within the prescribed time, in the same way as a sole arbitrator would be appointed under Rule 7.

  8.4 A decision on a matter entrusted by Rule 8.2 or 8.3 to the Chairman shall not be subject to appeal.

  Rule 9

  Multi-party Appointment of Arbitrator(s)

  9.1 If there are three or more parties in the arbitration, the parties shall endeavour to agree on the procedure for appointing the arbitrator(s) and if within twenty-one (21) days of the receipt of the Notice of Arbitration, the parties have not reached an agreement on the procedure for appointing the arbitrator(s), the arbitrator(s) shall be appointed by the Chairman as soon as practicable after the receipt of a party's request to the Chairman.
